
How To Type A Tilde On Windows

This post volition comprehend several methods on how to make the Tilde symbol in Microsoft Word, Windows, and Mac, including using keyboard shortcuts.

Yet, before we begin, you may get this symbol past copying and pasting information technology from the button below.

If y'all besides want to type messages with the Tilde Accent, you can learn how to practise so in section 2 of this guide.

Using the Tilde Key on the Keyboard

Using the Tilde primal is one of the easiest ways you lot tin type this symbol on the keyboard.

This cardinal is located on the far-left side of nearly all estimator keyboards, immediately earlier the 1 and Exclamation cardinal.

The Tilde key is highlighted in yellow in the keyboard image below.

The Grave Accent and Tilde key on the keyboard

However, the Tilde is a 2nd cardinal afterwards the Grave Accent (`) primal. This means that pressing this key will requite you lot the Grave Accent (`) key.

If you lot want to get the Tilde sign with this key, press down the Shift cardinal before hitting on the Grave Accent key.

Therefore, to type the Tilde symbol on the keyboard, press Shift + ` simultaneously.

Tilde Symbol Alt Code Shortcut (MS Give-and-take for Windows)

The Alt Code shortcut for the Tilde Symbol is Alt + 126. To type with this method, press and concur one of the Alt keys on your keyboard while using the numeric keypad to enter the Alt code, then release the Alt fundamental.

This method works simply in Microsoft Word on Windows, and it requires that your keyboard take a separate numeric keypad with Num Lock enabled.

On Windows, alt codes like this are used to blazon symbols or characters that are not bachelor on the keyboard.

This method is extremely beneficial considering information technology saves a significant amount of time when trying to blazon special characters like Tilde.

The below table contains all the messages that have a tilde accent on height of it with their Alt Codes.

Tilde Symbols Symbol Description Alt Codes
à A tilde – Uppercase Alt 0195
ã a tilde – Lowercase Alt 0227
Ñ Northward tilde – Uppercase Alt 165
ñ n tilde – Lowercase Alt 164
Õ O tilde – Uppercase Alt 0213
õ o tilde – Lowercase Alt 0245

The post-obit are the detailed steps y'all can take to type these Tilde symbols on Windows using the Alt Code keyboard shortcut:

  • Open your Word document where the symbol is to be typed.
  • The cursor should exist positioned in the desired location.
  • Printing and hold on to one of your Alt Keys.
  • Equally you hold down the Alt key, use the numeric keypad on the right to type the Tilde Alt code (126 or utilize the table above)
  • Release the alt fundamental afterwards typing the code.

As shortly as you let go of the Alt key, the Tilde symbol will appear.

The post-obit rules must exist followed in order for the Tilde Alt Code to work.

  • Earlier typing the code, you must agree downward the Alt key.
  • To blazon the alt code, y'all must use the numeric keypad on the right side of the keyboard.
  • The NumLock must be enabled because you lot are using the 10-key numeric keypad. When yous turn off NumLock, the number keys become disabled, and you won't exist able to blazon any numbers.
  • If you're using a laptop that doesn't have a numeric keypad, you'll demand to actuate the hidden numeric keypad outset. On most laptops, you can turn information technology on by pressing the Fn + NmLk keys at the aforementioned fourth dimension. A hidden numeric keypad isn't establish on every laptop. If it doesn't appear in yours, yous won't be able to blazon symbols using the alt code method unless you connect an external keyboard with a numeric keypad or use the on-screen keyboard. Yet nevertheless, you tin use the other methods discussed in this guide.
  • You lot should besides exist aware that, depending on the text editor y'all're using, not all symbols can exist typed with the alt code. Only Microsoft Give-and-take recognizes some of the alt codes.

Insert Tilde Symbol on Mac

You lot tin can also obtain the Tilde symbol on Mac using the Character Viewer.

The Character Viewer is a place on Mac where you tin can add special characters and symbols to text, such as math symbols, Latin characters, and pictographs.

Obey the following steps to insert this (~) and any other symbol on Mac.

  1. Place your cursor in the text surface area where you need to insert the symbol.
  2. Press Control + Command + Infinite bar to bring up the Character Viewer. Alternatively, choose Edit > Emoji & Symbols.
  3. Type "Tilde" in the search field at the top and press Enter.
  4. The symbol should appear. Kindly click on it to insert information technology into your text.

These are the steps you lot may use to insert this and any other symbol on Mac using the Character Viewer.

Shortcut to type Tilde Sign in Microsoft Word

MS Word shortcut to type the Tilde symbol is 007E, Alt + X.

To use this shortcut, open your Microsoft Word certificate, position the insertion arrow where you want to type the Tilde symbol, and then follow the unproblematic instructions below:

  • Simply type 007E.
  • Then press Alt plus X simultaneously.
  • If it doesn't piece of work, highlight the code before pressing the Alt and X keys simultaneously.

When you press Alt + X after typing the Unicode, the symbol appears in place of the Unicode.

Insert Tilde Symbol from the Office Symbol Library

If using the keyboard isn't your matter, there's also a mouse-based method for getting the Tilde symbol in Part apps like Microsoft Give-and-take, Excel, or PowerPoint.

To explicate the steps, we'll apply screenshots of Microsoft Give-and-take. You can, however, use the same method in Excel and PowerPoint.

Without further ado, here are the steps to take:

  • Launch MS Word or Excel or PowerPoint.
  • Place your cursor at the desired identify.
  • Navigate to theInsert tab.
Go to the Insert tab
  • Click the Symbols button in the Symbols grouping, then select More than Symbols from the drop-downwardly menu.
More Symbols

TheSymbolwindow will announced. It contains a gazillion of symbols which include the Tilde symbol.

  • Notice the Tilde symbol in the symbol library.

To hands locate this symbol, employ theSubset dropdown list to display specific types of symbols. You tin find theTilde symbol in theBasic Latingroup in the Subset listing.

Still, the fastest way to get this symbol is to type the Unicode 007E in the Character code text box. Once y'all blazon the Unicode, the Tilde symbol will be filtered out and selected.

  • To insert it into your document, but double-click on it. Alternatively, click the Insert button.
  • Close the Dialog.

If you lot follow the higher up steps carefully, y'all tin can insert the Tilde symbol in Discussion or any other symbol or character non available on the keyboard.

Re-create and Paste Tilde Symbol

This is by far the simplest way to obtain any symbol, including the Tilde sign.

You simply need to copy the symbol somewhere, such equally a spider web folio and and then printing Ctrl + V after switching to the certificate where you lot need it.

If you want to copy the symbol, you tin can exercise so below.


If you have a Windows PC, the steps below volition show you how to re-create this symbol from the Character Map.

  • Search and Launch the Grapheme Map app.
  • Near the button, select the Accelerate View checkbox to expand more Graphic symbol map options.
Advanced view on Windows Character map
  • In the Advanced view, y'all will meet a search box. Type Tilde in there and press Enter.
  • The symbol will appear in the search results.
  • Simply double click on it and hit on the Copy push button after information technology is selected in the Characters to copy text box.


Obtaining symbols like the Tilde that do not have keys on the keyboard tin can exist difficult.

However, with the assistance of the methods and instructions discussed here, it should no longer exist a difficult task.

Thank yous very much for taking the time to read this guide.


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