
How To Install Redis On Windows 7

Organization: CentOS Linux release seven.9.2009 (Core)

ane. Installation of GCC

Since redis is adult in C language, yous must first confirm whether to install gcc environment (gcc -five) earlier installation. If non, execute the following control to install


two. Download and unzip the installation package

[root@mesnosql ~]# wget dozen.tar.gz  [root@mesnosql ~]# tar -zxvf redis-6.ii.half dozen.tar.gz          

3. Switch CD to redis decompression directory and execute compilation

[root@mesnosql ~]# cd redis-6.2.6  [root@mesnosql redis-6.2.6]# make          

4. Install and specify the installation directory

[root@mesnosql  redis-6.2.6]# brand install PREFIX=/usr/local/redis          

5. Start service - groundwork first

[root@mesnosql redis-6.2.half-dozen]# cd /usr/local/redis/bin/          

Copy redis.conf from the redis source directory to the redis installation directory. PS: push button to ~ directory.

[root@mesnosql ~]# cp redis-6.2.half dozen/redis.conf /usr/local/redis/bin/          

six. Modify the redis.conf configuration file. PS: re enter bin

[root@mesnosql bin]# vim redis.conf          

  There are three main modifications:

  i).  Add # comments before demark   ; Unlimited ip admission. By default, it can only be accessed locally


          The default is yes and changed to no. Plow off the protected mode mode, and the external network can access it direct


            Daemon is used to specify whether redis should be started as a daemon thread. The default is no

vii. Offset redis

[root@mesnosql bin]# ./redis-server redis.conf          

8. Set startup

root@mesnosql bin]# vi /etc/systemd/system/redis.service          

Copy and paste the following:

[Unit] Description=redis-server  [Service] Type=forking ExecStart=/usr/local/redis/bin/redis-server /usr/local/redis/bin/redis.conf PrivateTmp=truthful  [Install]          

Note: ExecStart is configured as its own path

9. Ready startup

[root@mesnosql bin]# systemctl daemon-reload  [root@mesnosql bin]# systemctl kickoff redis.service  [root@mesnosql bin]# systemctl enable redis.service          

10. Create redis command soft link

[root@mesnosql ~]# ln -s /usr/local/redis/bin/redis-cli /usr/bin/redis

Test redis

  At this point, redis installation is complete.

Service performance command

systemctl start redis.service    # Start redis service

systemctl stop redis.service    # Stop redis service

systemctl restart redis.service    # Restart the service

systemctl status redis.service    # View the current condition of the service

systemctl enable redis.service    # Fix startup and self startup

systemctl disable redis.service    # Stop startup and self startup.

Supplement 1: redis make reports an fault later upgrading GCC to the latest version. Solution:

  Fault when making: / bin/sh: cc: command non found


ane. Go back to the root directory (~)

sudo yum -y install gcc gcc-c++ libstdc++-devel
2. When returning to the redis make directory, execute:

    make MALLOC=libc

Supplement ii: when the firewall is turned on, the external network cannot be accessed

View open ports

firewall-cmd --list-ports

View firewall status

firewall-cmd --state

Plow on the firewall

systemctl outset firewalld

Open port

firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=6379/tcp --permanent

service iptables restart

firewall-cmd --reload          

After opening the port, you must restart the firewall, otherwise opening the port volition not piece of work.

Conclusion: I have never been in contact with linux before. When installing redis, I encountered many problems. It took several days to install it successfully. Most of the installation tutorials on the Cyberspace are not proficient.

          Finally, at each installation step, although there are sometimes a large serial of commands, yous must pay attention to whether there is an fault in it, otherwise in the end, redis will be confused if it can't be used.

reference resource:   Official course

https://world wide


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